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Building Permits and the Public Duty Doctrine

The South Dakota Supreme Court rules that a local government did not owe a duty to an individual class of persons to enforce local ordinances and state historic regulations.

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Recreational Trails

With the warmer temperatures returning to the Midwest, more people are migrating outdoors. As they consider their options for fun and family friendly outdoor activities, many may look to local recreational trail systems for such an opportunity.

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Codington County joined the SDPAA in 1989 and truly appreciates everything SDPAA has done to assist the County.  In July 2017 Codington County incurred damage to numerous County owned vehicles due to hail damage.  SDPAA was on the spot with an adjuster and made prompt payment to the County for the damages incurred by the hail event.  The staff at SDPAA is the best to work with and you can present them with any question and they will answer you quickly and/or direct you to the correct party to resolve any issues or claim questions.  Codington County looks forward to working well into the future with SDPAA. Cindy Brugman, Codington County Auditor