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What's Your Risk Management Portfolio Look Like?

When someone asks you what your portfolio looks like, this could mean a variety of things. It could mean your investment portfolio, being all the tools that you are using for retirement. It could mean your employment portfolio, being all the experience and education you have which qualifies you for a certain position. So when you consider your risk management portfolio, what may you be lacking?

To ensure that you have a wide range risk management portfolio, you must first remember that risk management comes in two forms. Positive risk management, during which you maximize opportunities to protect yourself and your entity; and negative risk management, during which you work to mitigate the negative consequences of risk.  The best way to manage your portfolio is to engage in ongoing training and education which will allow you to identify and manage both positive and negative risk.

This year marks the 20th Safety and Risk Management Conference for the SDML Workers Compensation Fund (SDML WC Fund) and the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance (SDPAA), as well as the 3rd Joint Safety and Risk Management Conference during which these agencies join with the SD Department of Risk Management (SD DORM) and now Associated School Boards of SD (ASBSD).

This year’s conference has been expanded to include risk management topics which are focused on the education system and we are delighted to share the opportunity to enhance our risk management portfolios with all our fellow public entities.

The conference will include speakers ranging from Randy Anderson with E3 Professionals to Beck Weathers with Keppler Speakers. A variety of topics will be covered by these and several other very talented speakers whom we are honored and delighted have agreed to work with us again this year.

Topics for this year’s conference will include how to effectively communicate with others as well as how to achieve personal excellence. Randy Anderson tells us on his website: “The difference in being good at something and being great at something is usually found in the little things.” We are excited to hear from Mr. Anderson what those little things are, and how we can make sure that the little things count.

Brad Wilson, Laura Hensley, and Jennifer Andrisen Selzler are going to explain who should care about work comp. This is an excellent opportunity to bring work comp related questions that you may have.

Lisa Marso will be on hand and will be discussing how sexual harassment continues to be a serious problem in the workplace. Lisa will provide an overview of what sexual harassment is, how it can be prevented and offer information about how to handle complaints that are filed in the workplace.

Back by popular demand, Rob Anderson, Melanie Carpenter and Jennifer Van Anne will provide a Mock Trial Demonstration based on a real life case which happened right here in South Dakota. Be sure to stay and see just how lives can be impacted by the choices of only a few.

The evening of the first day, Members from the SDPAA and SDML Workers Compensation Fund are invited to attend the Safety Dinner. Safety Awards will be presented and you’ll have a chance to network with your fellow Pool Members.

Cyber security remains one of those topics that baffles people of all ages. Tyler Ruhd will be offering a presentation which will help our entities develop a layered approach to cyber security.

Drugs in the workplace and at home continue to be a growing concern in SD Communities. SD DCI will be on hand to discuss illegal drugs and their impact on SD.

Chris Madsen and Tim Wieker are slated to have open and frank discussions about various liability exposures faced by our agencies and offer some suggestions on how to mitigate those negative risk consequences.

Doug Kirkus and his team will be presenting to the newest group to the joint safety conference by providing information on school related risk management opportunities and options.

Furthering the exploration of school specific exposures, Paul Timm will be will be using his experience in conducting vulnerability assessments to enhance our knowledge on school security.

Dr. Beck Weathers will wrap up our conference by giving us his emotional tale of survival against all odds, encouraging you to appreciate the perseverance of the human spirit and the strength of loved ones to conquer even the most daunting challenges.

Each of these speakers was chosen for the information and educational opportunities they can offer. There are breakout sessions which can appeal to people of all areas, from human resources to law enforcement, maintenance and custodial to elected and appointed officials. We believe that this year’s conference will offer something for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 Joint Safety and Risk Management Conference – Don’t Assume the Risk: Managing Risk in the New Millennium.  For additional information on how to register, please see our Event page on our website at or call Safety Benefits at 888-313-0839. 


Lynn Bren, AIC SCLA

Director of Member Services

Hyde County has been a Member of the SDPAA since 2003. We are very happy with the services provided to our County. Member Services and the Underwriting Department have been quick to respond whether it was a claim or questions. They are very easy to work with and have always followed up on any issues we have had.  Marilyn Ring, Hyde County Auditor